Trade Trans Spedition in Berlin - logistics company for inland shipping and truck transport


Existing since 1993 Trade Trans Spedition GmbH in Berlin is a specialist in inland shipping and truck transport.
Its fleet consists of owned and chartered barges with an average cargo capacity of 1,000 tons. In the area of short sea shipping it has been working with well-known and powerful ship owners and realizing for its customers door-to-door transport across Europe. The company has been organizing the sea and inland port handling with the focus on Polish harbors.
For road transport the company has its own fleet of trailers with XL cargo load safety certificate, particularly 25 special trucks for paper transport.
The professional and a highly motivated team of the company provides customers with comprehensive services.
The company has a turnover of nearly 6 million EUR and 28 employees.


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Trade Trans Invest, a.s.
:: Lazaretská 23
:: SK-811 09 Bratislava
:: Tel. +421-2-57107511
:: Fax +421-2-57107585
:: E-mail

Zapísaná v obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sa, vložka císlo:
3471/B, ICO: 35882778

The company is signed in the Companies register of The District Court Bratislava I, section: Sa, insert
No: 3471/B, ID: 35882778