Trade Trans is opening a company in Istanbul - TRADE TRANS TURKEY A.Ş.

We are expanding our business activities and establishing a company in Turkey. These days, our co-workers are working very intensively on all preparation works needed to start our services in Turkey. Main focus will be on cargo transportation from/to Turkey and Central European countries. The office is located in the Istanbul World Trade Center A-2 Block Floor: 09 No: 304, Yesilkoy, Istanbul. More details regarding new services provided by our Turkish office are coming soon…

Address: Istanbul World Trade Center
A-2 Block Floor: 09 No: 304, Yesilkoy, Istanbul - Turkey
Phone: 090 212 9 1234 10

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Trade Trans Invest, a.s.
:: Lazaretská 23
:: SK-811 09 Bratislava
:: Tel. +421-2-57107511
:: Fax +421-2-57107585
:: E-mail

Zapísaná v obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sa, vložka císlo:
3471/B, ICO: 35882778

The company is signed in the Companies register of The District Court Bratislava I, section: Sa, insert
No: 3471/B, ID: 35882778