SQAS audit in Trade Trans Log in Poland

In June 2015, additional CEFIC-audit took place at the Polish forwarding company Trade Trans Log, as a result of which was the renewal of the SQAS certificate. This certificate guarantees an appropriate quality of logistics services for customers from the chemical industry. The audit was carried out by auditors accredited by CEFIC - the European Chemical Industry Council.

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Trade Trans Invest, a.s.
:: Lazaretská 23
:: SK-811 09 Bratislava
:: Tel. +421-2-57107511
:: Fax +421-2-57107585
:: E-mail info@tradetrans.com

Zapísaná v obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sa, vložka císlo:
3471/B, ICO: 35882778

The company is signed in the Companies register of The District Court Bratislava I, section: Sa, insert
No: 3471/B, ID: 35882778