
New fleet of trucks in Trade Trans Bratislava


We are very glad to inform you about purchase of 10 new Mercedes trucks and 10 Schwarzmüller semi-trailers in Trade Trans Bratislava. The first loads started on 22nd March.
Own trucks are response to the expansion of road transport in the daughter company Trade Trans Log, s.r.o. in Bratislava and this investment will bring more flexible customer services and higher competitiveness.

"Like at a seaside fish market" - writes Austrian ECHO about Royal Fisch in Salzburg


The Austrian weekly magazine ECHO published an article titled "Like at a seaside fish market" on opening at the end of February shop-wholesale fish company Royal Fisch in Salzburg - Bergheim .
The management of this institution said that the new offer was met with considerable interest among customers.

Further expansion of Trade Trans Terminal in Curtici


Referring to the previous messages we are happy to announce the further expansion of the company Trade Trans Terminal in Curtici. As a result of the ongoing work will be:

  • expansion of a warehouse to allow unloading and storage of paper,
  • mounted dockshelter in the hall for trucks.

First ISU-Train between Wels and Curtici


With reference to our news from the 20.12.2010 we are glad to inform, that on the 25.01.2011 started the first ISU train between Wels / Austria and RailPort Arad container terminal in Curtici, operated by ÖKOMBI (Rail Cargo Austria Group).

The ISU system is developed by ÖKOMBI for lifting and carrying on train non-cranable semi-trailers (Innovative Semi-Trailer Handling Unit, Innovativer Sattelauflieger Umschlag).

New reachstacker already in RailPort Arad


On October 26, 2010 we informed about acceptance test for a new reachstacker for RailPort Arad (RPA). The machine has just arrived in Curtici and we got some detailed information about the investment.
After RPA issued a tender in the beginning of this year for a new reachstacker, the manufacturer was chosen in spring. Four major companies made offers, and after carefully analyzing the technical parameters, the optionals and of course the price, the contract was signed with Konecranes Lifttrucks AB Sweden.

Interview with Managing Director of TI FEREST Bratislava


Slovak economic newspaper „Hospodarske noviny“ as well as railway transport journal „Železničná revue“ published in its October issue an interview with Mr Jan Kuchta – Managing Director of TI FEREST, a.s. – Slovak company from the Trade Trans Group. Mr Kuchta spoke about current situation on the transport market. He informed also about possibilities of cooperation within the Trade Trans Group. Below we present the whole interview in the original language.

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Trade Trans Invest, a.s.
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:: Tel. +421-2-57107511
:: Fax +421-2-57107585
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3471/B, ICO: 35882778

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No: 3471/B, ID: 35882778